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Teacher, Relationships, Teaching malaisesAbstract
This article stems from my doctoral research and addresses one of the aspects that leads teachers to experience teaching malaise. The concept constructed in the research is that teaching malaise is one of the traits of the teaching profession in contemporaneity and is evidenced by the manifestation of difficulties or impossibilities in dealing with the issues present in schools. The manifestation of teaching malaise occurs through reports of feelings of anguish, discomfort, and powerlessness, resulting from tension in established relationships. Being a teacher implies intervening, interacting, mediating; malaise arises when the teacher lacks elements, from various sources, for a qualified intervention. In this sense, the data collected indicate that the main factors of malaise arise from teacher-student relationships and the valuation of teachers, with structural and salary issues being secondary factors. In these relationships, malaise related to students included in schools after the democratization of education and students not motivated to learn stands out. Finally, I work with the idea that teaching malaise, more than a discomfort or diffuse and fleeting feeling, or a degenerative cycle of teaching effectiveness, is a phenomenon not only situated in the individual but also in the relationships established in schools and society. Therefore, we can refer to it as teaching malaises.
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